Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Found A New Lodge

So fellow readers, still amazes me that people read this. Almost creepy...but keep doing it! Creep me out!

I decided to move to a new site. I feel blogger is too middle school, and just doesn't feel as professional as I want it to. So I moved to a new House. Update your bookmarks!!!! Losers.

House of a Whaling Man

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tears Like Diamonds

Diamonds which you will never have.

Turd Press?

Im thinking of moving to wordpress. Everything just looks smoother and more professional...hmm

I Get Death Threats On My Cell Phone

I had a very satisfying chat with my friend Andrew. He's going to be featured in my weekly artists interviews I'm going to be doing relatively soon.

I was reading The Artblog, and it came across to me that people are becoming more and more impatient with anything they do and want near instant gratification. Because of this conceptual art is far too complicated to get a grasp of. Well perhaps maybe not too complicated but it removes the freedom of the art.

Err I can't think right now. Business is now.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Can You Drink 8-Bit Water?

[Via LikeCool]

Dust Rings

T-Pain, Oh So Lame.

Fresh Out of Polar Bear

The St. Louis Zoo is replacing its lost polar bears, with none other than: animatronic bears. Really? Whats the point? I would get a better experience just by watching National Geographic or Discovery channel in the nude, can't beat that! I say if you can't get real polar bears, fuck fake ones. Let's be serious, who wouldn't want to throw food at them now? I would.

[Via Gizmodo]

I Was A Pinball Wizard Once...

I've always been fascinated with pinball machines. The lights, sounds, colors, movements, how they work. How to push the pinball machine to its limits without making it tilt. I read this blog post over at CheapTalk all about the economics of pinball. If you're a fan, check it out, definitely a lot of things I never knew about pinball machines.

Now what I need to look for are beautiful pinball machines. Link them if you come across anything that looks really cool

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Art. Leisure. Drugs. Sex. Knowledge. Design. Infectious. Music. Drone. Viral. Wonder. Awe. Computation. Noise. Lifestyle

Welcome to my Philosophy lecture.

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Lost Member

Today artist Jeanne-Claude passed away. Im curious to how this will impact the current works of the duo, Christo and Jeanne-Claude. They were currently working on two works:

[Via New York Times]

Anybody need a hand?

Colorama - Makeover from Upper First on Vimeo.

[Via LikeCool]

Magic Stirring Cup

You know what I hate whenever I get coffee or tea especially when its filled to the brim. Stirring it, and burning my fingers with those tiny brown stirrers. Why are they called stirrers when they are multi-functional, like if I want a straw with my coffee or tea. Rather then me ranting, I'll talk about what is actually cool. A self-stirring cup.

Every time I'm in the cafeteria at school and I get some coffee, I melt my figures in the coffee, since those so called stirrers aren't long enough. Luckily for me, someone by the name of Florian Dussopt did just that. Thank you Florian.

[Via Kitsune Noir]

Polaroid Paintings

I'm sure I posted these before on here, but I thought I would share them with you again regardless.

These are Polaroids in which I opened up the film packet, exposed the film, and pushed the chemicals onto the film. This is what came happened.

These are a bit cut off, but you get the picture. I have probably thirty more or so of these, that I need to get scanned. Enjoy them. Let me know what you think.


Alright so my night went from Yes, to yes, to fuck, to YES AGAIN.

So I went to the ICA in Boston with Karla. It was a little...blah, but they did have some really cool pieces. For starters, they have an old vintage VW Beetle taken apart and suspended in a room. You could walk around it and be inside the car so to speak.

"Cosmic Thing," 2002.
Damián Ortega

Another piece that blew me away were videos of clay bricks set up like dominoes on 16mm film. There were about 11 reels going on at one time in the entire room, each synchronized to start at different times. Speakers were set up in front of each projection and gave it a very surround sound feel. Really interesting stuff.

Still from "Nine Types of Terrain," 2007.
Damián Ortega

Lastly we went into large dark room. There were eight projectors projecting glass from a warehouse building and nothing else. Some were cracked, shattered, what have you. As we entered we heard gunshots, English speaking people; I'm assuming soldiers since they were talking about helping a little girl or not. Minutes later, the gun firing stopped, and foreign voices filled the air. I didn't know exactly what language it was, but I want to say an oriental language, maybe Vietnamese. They started screaming and crying over what seemed to be the little girl. It then ended.

We went and grabbed food later at this pan-asian food in the style of a modern Japanese ramen bar called Wagamama. It was really cool, since they took orders on a PDA and every waiter took care of you not just

one. The meal was actually pretty damn good. I got some crazy thing I never even heard of, and it was gooood eats. The noodles reminded me of worms, but good worms none the less. Check that place out

Then I drive home and decide to call my friend Tim Chilcott who has inspired me beyond my imagination. Made me feel I can do things that I actually want to do, if I just put effort into it, and quite frankly, I think I just may!

I am my own ideas. We are our thoughts.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

15 Feet of Pure Gold Pubic Hair

I need to share with you guys some fucking unreal art. All of this was done by my good friend Jack Samels.


Zach Galifianakis, King of Awkward

Pocket Candles

I really interesting design by Poketo. They are matchbook candles. So whenever you feel like celebrating your birthday just for the hell of it or maybe before you light up that cigarette, well now you can.

[Via Gizmodo]

Freeform Textile Mills

Scan Processor Studies (excerpts pt.1) from Brian O'Reilly on Vimeo.

The SCAN PROCESSOR STUDIES are a collection of works by Woody Vasulka & Brian O'Reilly.

The full work is of total approximate duration of 45 minutes, with sections of various lengths, textures, and dynamic qualities.

The project first started while Woody and I were working on different commissioned projects at the ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe Germany). He and Steina on the exhibition MINDFRAMES and Garth Knox and myself on the DVD and performance SPECTRAL STRANDS: FOR VIOLA AND VISUALS. Woody, Steina, Garth and I spent many nights screening works for moving images, playing music, and cooking, enveloped in the huge ghost town mood the ZKM's kitchen took on at night. During this time there were passionate discussions about video synthesizers (mainly my love for the Sandin Image Processor), and how Steina's VIOLIN POWER had a huge influence on Garth's and my new series of works.

The source materials were generated by Woody using a Rutt-Etra Scan Processor in the 1970's and sat on a shelf for years, having been recently digitized. Woody came into my studio one day and asked me if I would be interested in using them to work on a collaboration, and the project began from there...

The works use sources excavated directly from the output of the Scan Processor, as well as further manipulations using Tom Demeyer's ImX software, developed with input from Steina. Extensive editing and layering and additional augmentations were done using Phil Mortons IP. The Sound was generated (mostly) by custom software developed by Chandrasekhar Ramakrishnan and myself called NETHER GENERATOR, which sets up a number of complex real time feedback networks filtered and processed by various means.

SCAN PROCESSOR STUDIES was first exhibited as an installation in the ZKM's MINDFRAMES exhibition.

The source materials from Woody's original experiments with the Scan Processor have also been used in conjunction with further processing on my part to create the base materials for other works, including a three screen version of Woody's piece GRAZING and the work LEVEL & DEGREE OF DARK.

[Via LikeCool]

Zach Hill I Want Your Limbs


You're an asshole.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Salvia Divinorum


Remember that huge Technic LEGO explosion that happened in the late 80s? You don't? Well that's a shame. But anyways, these lights from Robert Matysiak remind me exactly of the LEGO Technic series, as well as K'NEX, but lets face it, LEGOs were the superiority of all toys. German made, end of story. (The last photo reminds me of a Big Daddy from Bioshock.)

Nerdcessities of Life

This seems like a useful investment, if you're maybe a LANer, nerd, geek, or just like push your expensive electronics in a push cart. All of these are valid in my book. Created by Jared W. Brown.

[Via NerdCart]

I Have Lady Gaga's Pubes. You Don't.

Ok so Lady Gaga, like all other pop artists, is putting out a super deluxe limited edition of her re-released special edition CD. Makes sense right? She came out with The Fame and now shes releasing  The Fame Monster. Really? Luckily she has some sense of decency, allowing you to purchase the eight new songs as an EP. But whatever thats not the point. The point is what comes with the super deluxe-end-of-the-world-I-want-to-be-trashy-just-like-lady-gaga-edition. Lets have a run down shall we?

Ok from that photo looks whatever no big deal. Lets bring out THE LIST!!!

The ultimate peek into the Haus Of Gaga spanning music, fashion, art, fans and gossip! 'The Fame Monster' includes:

* 8 new studio recordings with production by RedOne, Rodney Jerkins, Teddy Riley, Fernando Garibay and Ron Fair featuring the smash single "Bad Romance" and "Telephone"

* The original album 'The Fame'

* The definitive "Book of Gaga"-A highly stylized collector's edition art table book housed in a custom slipcase documenting Gaga's journey into pop superstardom including:

* A lock of Lady Gaga's hair
* Collectible puzzle
* Pictorials
* A behind the scenes look at her creative process
* Pull out posters
* Themed fanzines
* A paper doll collection
* 3 D glasses to view forthcoming Gaga visuals
* Personal notes from the artist
* Each book individually numbered

Read it 100 times. Let that sink in. Ms. Gaga, I hope you go bald.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Houston, We Have An UAC.

Castupilar Shus

Damnit Urban Outfitters, why can't you make your website more practical and easier to steal photos from.

Wicked sleek Vans.

Now to find Italian biking shoes for my spring ridding sessions....

The Cosmos, Actually.

The Bravery: Slow Poison from James White on Vimeo.

Reminds me of Daft Punk.

[Via LikeCool]

Calling All Alcoholics!

Save yourself some money ya drunk.

Go Go Gadget, Iphone Car Driver

Your Kidney. My Baggies. Dinner Date

So finally I'm putting things together so to speak. Look at some photos to try to put a portfolio together of some sort. Had a rough rough outline for it. Put it on FLICKAH! Had to put the stereotypical Bostonian accent for the hell of it.

I would post individual photos, maybe another time. Right now it just needs to be put out to the series of tubes, in which the internet is.

Lord Folio

Fuck You Duchamp

We are the anti-art

Friday, November 13, 2009

Stussy My Pussy

I need to head to Bodegas in Boston to pick me up one of these sweet ass peacoats from Stussy

No the best photo in the world. I would take it from Stussys site but frankly its to early right now and I hate flash.

[Via Stussy]

I Still Never Eat My Vegetables...

Beautiful advertising done by JWT Kuwait.

Vegetables are all your body needs

Advertising Agency: JWT Kuwait
Creative Directors: Alessandro Antonini, Mark Makhoul
Photographer: Tommy Morris
Retoucher: Nabil Kamara
Published: August 2009


Sleep-walking - Everything is made in China

This video is so fucking sweet! And the music is good as shit too! Combing both sweet visual work as well as music, is win/win

[Via LikeCool]

How Would Noise Work?

Alright so we all know, or at least should know, about the game, Audiosurf. If you don't go check it out and go buy it because it is simply amazing. Its basically a ship cruising down a track that is generated by the music you select. Along that track you have to collect bars for points, and its awesome. So depending if it is fast, slow, awesome, shitty, or what ever, the game figures it out and makes it work. And it works damn well!

Now I come across this video from Gizmodo. It's called Symphony. This game takes the music and creates enemies for you to shoot. So just like Audiosurf, its different for every song. Looks pimp!

[Via Joystiq]

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nerd Nikes

Haha check out this art work / semi functional shoe. Someone made some Nike's using computer hardware. I think they are awesome, and if only someone made Nike's that actually looked like this!

This Ones Kill-Kilimanjaro.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fourth edition, DSM IV-TR, a widely used manual for diagnosing mental disorders, defines narcissistic personality disorder (in Axis II Cluster B) as:[6]
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
  1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  3. believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  4. requires excessive admiration
  5. has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
  6. is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
  7. lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
  8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
  9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
It is also a requirement of DSM-IV that a diagnosis of any specific personality disorder also satisfies a set of general personality disorder criteria.

Uhh yeah I think each one of those fits you quite perfectly. Thanks Wikipedia.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mutation Cells

The new add for the Nokia N900. This is amazing. Blows the Droid Commercials out of the water.


Alrighty, so what do you get when you combine one of raps most successful rappers and one of rocks most successful bands? Oh yeah you get Jaydiohead. If you guys have been living under a rock, you probably would have heard about this amazing collaboration  album, but if you haven't you should. Mastermind DJ Max Tannone had the idea of combining the two, and fuck, is it sick. The obscure Radiohead beats, work perfectly with Jay-Z's lyrical style.

Listen to the sweet tunes here

Oh yeah the reason why I brought this up. The people at Turntable Lab have released an LP of ten remixes, and fuck yes that is a must for any LP collection. Get that shit here

[Via Turntable Lab]

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Guggen Office

This office building located in Switzerland, home of a bunch of other sweet office buildings, is damn cool. I feel it is very influenced by the Guggenheim in New York. Its called the "Cocoon"





Friday, November 6, 2009

Stealth Blouse

This house is fucking unreal! The architecture is amazing. Very polygonal. It is called "The Klein Bottle House" named after, The Klein Bottle. What is the Klein Bottle you may ask? According to the all knowing Wikipedia:
The Klein bottle is a certain non-orientable surface, i.e., a surface (a two-dimensional manifold) with no distinct "inner" and "outer" sides.
Or in other words this:

Now for the actual house. And yes its dope!

[Via DesignBoom]