Friday, July 24, 2009

Spread The Love Itch

The right heel is destroyed. My first real bruisesd heal. Ow. It's flowering out, red, black. Blossomed to perfection worn on a saddle. Ponet notch. Stop child, what's is that sound by chance? Lose it in the heart of Hotel California.

I still have wicked bad noms! Fix em Martha

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Swab The Deck!

Been a while budday! I owe ya one. That was really the best time I've had since I could remember. Giggling by the pool. Showing you still can have a sweet time even though you're surrounded by thirteen year old girls. Now to fully understand Kay Kay And His Weathered Underground.

Om nom nom.


P.S - Don't forgot to spread the love. See ya in the future dude man guy.